Among Tibetan Texts: History and Literature of the Himalayan Plateau
Название: Тибетские тексты: История и литература Гималайского платоАвтор: E. Gene Smith
Издательство: Wisdom Publications
Язык: английский, тибетский /english, tibetan
Год: June 15 2001
Количество страниц: 398
Формат: PDF
Размер: 22.96 Mb
Among Tibetan Texts is part of Wisdom‘s acclaimed Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism series. For three decades, E. Gene Smith ran the Library of Congress‘s Tibetan Text Publication Project (PL480)-an effort to salvage and reprint the Tibetan literature that had been collected by communities and exiles of Sikkim, Bhutan, India, and Nepal. Smith wrote prefaces to these reprinted books to help clarify and contextualize the particular Tibetan texts: the prefaces served as rough orientations to a poorly understood body of foreign literature. Originally produced in print quantities of 20, these prefaces quickly became legendary, and soon photocopied collections were handed from scholar to scholar, achieving an almost cult status. These essays are collected here for the first time. The impact of Smith‘s research on the academic study of Tibetan literature has been tremendous, both for his remarkable ability to synthesize diverse materials into coherent accounts of Tibetan literature, history, and religious thought, and for the exemplary critical scholarship he brought to this field.
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Издательство: Wisdom Publications
Язык: английский, тибетский /english, tibetan
Год: June 15 2001
Количество страниц: 398
Формат: PDF
Размер: 22.96 Mb
Among Tibetan Texts is part of Wisdom‘s acclaimed Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism series. For three decades, E. Gene Smith ran the Library of Congress‘s Tibetan Text Publication Project (PL480)-an effort to salvage and reprint the Tibetan literature that had been collected by communities and exiles of Sikkim, Bhutan, India, and Nepal. Smith wrote prefaces to these reprinted books to help clarify and contextualize the particular Tibetan texts: the prefaces served as rough orientations to a poorly understood body of foreign literature. Originally produced in print quantities of 20, these prefaces quickly became legendary, and soon photocopied collections were handed from scholar to scholar, achieving an almost cult status. These essays are collected here for the first time. The impact of Smith‘s research on the academic study of Tibetan literature has been tremendous, both for his remarkable ability to synthesize diverse materials into coherent accounts of Tibetan literature, history, and religious thought, and for the exemplary critical scholarship he brought to this field.
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